Illustration concept of woman on computer earning affiliate commissions
Dashy character looking at money

Help Your Audience Succeed

BlueDash makes marketing simple and stress free. Your audience will benefit greatly!

Share Your Link And Track Results

Easily share your affiliate link and view your earnings within our portal.

Get Paid On-Time Each Month

Payments are processed within the first week of every month via PayPal.

Dashy character looking at question marks

When and how do I get paid?

We process payouts during the first 7 days of each month via PayPal. That being said, you’ll need a PayPal account to receive payment.

Is there a minimum payout amount?

There’s no minimum payout amount, so you can start making money with your very first referral!

How long does a referral cookie last?

The referral cookie is valid for 60 days. This means that if someone clicks on your affiliate link and purchases our Unlimited plan within 60 days, you’ll receive credit and get paid within the first 7 days of the following month.

Do I need to be a paid subscriber?

While you don’t need to be a paid subscriber of BlueDash to become an affiliate, we highly recommend it. As a subscriber, you gain complete access to the platform, enabling you to easily share the full benefits with your clients or audience, illustrating how our marketing tools have helped your own business.