Contact us

Can I try BlueDash for free?

You certainly can! We offer a free plan which lets you experience the power of BlueDash. With our free plan, you can generate text, generate designs, and post on social media.

However, please note that a free account is limited to 5 projects per month. For unlimited projects, AI brainstorming, social media analytics, and more, please upgrade to our Unlimited plan.

Can BlueDash help my small business?

Absolutely! BlueDash is meticulously crafted to assist small business owners in saving time and energy.

Our suite of AI marketing tools streamlines the creation of marketing content, brainstorming sessions, and social media publishing, making you more efficient than ever. With BlueDash, you can tackle tasks quickly and effortlessly.

Why is BlueDash cheaper than other platforms?

BlueDash is affordably priced because our mission is to assist everyone, including cash-strapped businesses and those just starting out.

As a small business ourselves, and after working directly with other small business owners, we understand the importance of having a great platform that can help you without breaking the bank.

Do you have an affiliate program?

We do! You can sign up here and earn recurring commissions whenever someone makes a purchase using your unique referral link. It’s our way of saying thank you for telling others about us.